Minggu, 14 November 2010

Five Tips to Protect Your Twitter Login

In the technological age that we are living in, there are a lot of scams that people are involved in. activity in the social network places (websites) are no exception to the number of schemes that are currently in them. Many people would want to gain some form of access to someone's private information, probably for one reason or the other. Take an example: If someone would gain access to my tweeter account, it may be very easy to change my password, my email address and will therefore generally have control over every activity that I would have been involved in. It is important to learn how these people take control of certain levels of security, but more so, it is important to learn on way of how to curb/prevent these scams from taking place. For one to completely protect his account after he has done a twitter login there are a couple of adjustments that he has to consider:

1. There are some applications that have been allowed to access the account that someone has. These applications are not necessarily good ones. The fact that it is allowed does not even necessarily mean that the account holder is mandated to keep this third party on. It is therefore necessary to understand the necessity of that application in your account. After one has done the twitter login, he/she should go to settings, and then click on connections. Here one can be able to view all these third party applications that are included in the account. If the application is fishy, the user is obliged to block it immediately.

2. The other possibility is a twitter login page that is exactly the same as the original one, under a different URL name. After one has done his password on this page, the information used can be copied and be accessed by a third party. One should therefore check each and every URL name and make sure that it is the legitimate one.

3. With the applications that are in the account that someone is holding, it is important to avoid every other application that always asks for ones password. Most of the applications that use twitter use the OAuth technologies. These technologies do not necessarily require the use of someone's password. Eye brows should therefore be raised whenever the user encounters an application asking for his/her password.

4. There are users who send messages to you without them even being one's friends. One should be very cautious about such users. One should first of all ask themselves how they got to send them direct messages even without friend requests. They must be associated with a hacking group or something of the sort.

5. Finally, one should use the account that has been given to him in private mode. In other words, one should not allow just anyone to gain access to his updates without his permission. For more information about how to privatize the account, one should visit loginhelper.com in twitter and enquire for the information.

Happy Twitter :)

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